Call to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Dr. Tony
We can help you restore your mobility and confidence in walking. We will teach you stretching exercises to restore range of motion, strengthening exercises to feel more stable, and improve your balance and coordination with gait training. And if you are having a tough day, we can also show you how and when to use mobility aids like canes, walkers, or wheelchairs.
We can help you significantly increase your mobility and health span through regular PT and exercise. The best research out right now suggests that the symptoms of Parkinsons might be able to be reversed through exercise but they can certainly be slowed down.
Physical therapy can make a huge difference in your overall outcome as well as your pain levels from a joint replacement. By practicing a range of motion exercises and then later some gentle resistance training, you can drastically speed up recovery time. Not only that, but you’ll feel less pain. And lastly, you’ll keep scar tissue from building up - you’ll gain your full