If you have incurred injuries, physical therapy is important to help you recover. Regardless of the reason you want this type of therapy, the professional will come up with a plan to help you overcome the pain. Apart from the appointments you get, the plan will also include home-based exercises that you must follow every day. The homework is part of your progress, and this means it is crucial for you to commit. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of patients maintain the therapy. We understand there are many things that can get in the way, but making your health and recovery a priority is crucial to get the best results. If you are finding it hard to stick to the plan, here are a few tricks to help you.
Just like anything else in life, it is vital to have goals when doing therapy. The good thing about having goals is that you maintain your vision and get motivation. However, you need to be specific on the goals to be able to measure your progress. Make small and attainable goals to help you achieve the bigger ones. Having a clear goal will help you stay motivated throughout the recovery period. So, start with setting weekly goals. For instance, you can set the number of staircases you want to climb every day. Make sure you stick to that and advance with time.
Many people undergoing physical therapy complain of not having enough time to exercise. However, most of these exercises take less than 20 minutes. That means it takes more finding time than having the time. If you think you don’t have enough time to exercise, try looking at your calendar. You will find blank spots you can fill with the exercises. Exercising at the same time every day will help you adapt, and it will be easier to carry on.
Your body should be a priority, and that means ensuring consistency. It means you have to look at your needs first to put this therapy at the top. This is a vital component in your life that will help create a better you. So, make the exercise a priority and get ready for amazing improvements.
You are doing therapy for your benefit, not anyone else’s, and your therapist will not be there every day to supervise you. The funny thing is that the specialist will know when you are not doing the exercise even when they are not around. There should be no reason to lie. Let them know you have not been doing your homework and give them a viable reason. They will figure out the things holding you back and adjust the plan to get you on the move.
Sticking to therapy at home may be a hard thing at first. However, it is easier with a plan and goals. Try using the tricks mentioned above to help you get through your physical therapy at home. Both you and your therapist can work a way out, but you need to be honest and committed.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, people have reduced physical contact, and a lot has changed. Technology has made things easier by allowing people to do various things without having to meet one-on-one. In this case, telehealth has increased in popularity in healthcare settings. The question is whether telehealth can produce the same results with one-on-one physical therapy. According to a study carried out on physical therapy, telehealth has proved to provide effectiveness in post-operative physical therapy patients. According to this study and others, patients who underwent physical therapy through telehealth attained the same results as those who received in-person care. Furthermore, the cost of their therapy was less. Let’s look at various things that prove telehealth is an effective way of providing post-operative physical therapy.
Telemedicine is an expanding branch in the healthcare setting, and adopting it has decreased costs, improved access to care, and efficiency of resources. This is why many fields, like surgical care, have adopted telehealth. Recently, this adoption has expanded to the post-operative sector because it demonstrated excellent outcomes and boosted patient satisfaction. It has also reduced waiting time and long queues at therapists’ offices. Why is Telehealth Effective in Post-Operative Therapy?
One good thing about telehealth is that it helps connect better with the therapist after the first visit. It is now easy to access certified and experienced therapists near you. This is a very crucial thing especially if you live in a remote area where access to such a specialist is hard.
In a telehealth session, you work with the specialist and that means they can be able to give you personalized care without being distracted. You can choose who you want to include in the session, either a friend, family member or caregiver. The ultimate goal here is to listen to you and adjust the plan based on your personal preferences.
When you are injured or just came from surgery, it may be possible that your home is not safe enough for you. What telehealth does is address safety issues at your home and the therapist will even recommend ways to make your home safer. This way, you can avoid further injuries from slips and falls.
Another reason why telehealth has shown to be effective in post-operative physical therapy is that it eliminates the need to commute. Think of a situation where you have a bad injury, but you have to drive for your appointment. Apart from being inconvenient, this choice can also make healing difficult. It is even worse for people without access to personal transportation. The good thing about telehealth is that you receive the services from the comfort of your home.
There is a high rate of success associated with telehealth. The physical therapist can adjust the treatment plan to suit your program, and in most cases, patients tend to stick to the routine even after healing. This provides a life-long benefit.
There is a high level of satisfaction among patients who have chosen telehealth physical therapy. There is a better connection, and more support with telehealth and the results show better or similar outcomes with in-person physical therapy.
Knee replacements help relieve the pain and stiffness associated with damaged or worn-out knee joints. After knee replacement surgery, it’s crucial to do balance exercises after knee replacement to maintain your stability and help prevent another knee injury. Knee pain can often be due to weakness in surrounding muscles and other issues such as inflammation or misalignment of the kneecap. When you work on balance exercises after knee replacement, you can simultaneously avoid further injury and improve your posture!
The single-leg balance exercise is excellent for strengthening the leg after knee replacement. Start by standing with your hands on your hips, balancing on one leg while keeping your other foot raised off of the ground. Move slowly back and forth, trying not to let either foot touch down. The exercise builds strength in both legs and improves your sense of balance. Hold for 30 seconds before switching legs.
Your physical therapist can help you set goals for how long you want to work on these exercises each day. Balance also depends upon where you live and work; some environments are easier than others when it comes to staying steady on your feet! You can talk with your physical therapist about setting up an appointment; they may be able to recommend a suitable physical therapy practice you can do at home.
When you’re in a parallel stance, your feet are shoulder-width apart, knees and hips bent at 90 degrees. Push up onto your toes like you would if you were going to jump. Hold for 10 seconds and then slowly return to starting position. Perform three sets of 8 repetitions each day. The first week, perform them twice daily; work up to three times per day by week two. A parallel stance is crucial because it helps simulate standing on one leg—which is necessary following knee replacement surgery. And as always, make sure you consult with your physician before beginning any physical therapy regimen.
While in a sitting position, hold your arms straight out in front of you, parallel to each other. Raise your arms up and down for a total of five reps. Repeat. The exercise helps strengthen your chest muscles, which can aid in maintaining a good balance on your feet. It’s also useful as part of a routine focused on strengthening your abs, lower back, and hips—all are essential parts of keeping your balance steady. Again, start with five repetitions per set. Over time build until you reach 10-15 repetitions per set.
Try a dynamic push-up to balance after knee replacement. Start in a regular push-up position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and both feet on the ground. Lower yourself as if you’re doing a standard push-up until your chest nearly touches your knees.
Then push back up by extending your arms as quickly as possible while raising one leg into midair and lowering it again, then lift your other leg while lowering yourself back down into a full push-up position. That’s one rep; repeat for six to eight reps for three sets. As you get stronger, lower your hips so that they’re hovering above the floor.
Let’s face it: standing on one leg is tough—and if you have a balance issue after a knee replacement. The exercise helps you build up your ability to stay upright even when you’re off-balance after a knee replacement surgery, which can translate into safer daily life overall. Practice picking up a water bottle from an uneven surface by just lifting one foot at a time; once you get comfortable with that trick, try balancing on just one foot while reaching across your body with both arms at once.
It is essential to follow form by not bouncing or swinging during movement as with all exercises. Focus on slow controlled movements without letting your form break. If you haven’t exercised in some time, it is best to talk with your physical therapy experts before attempting any new workout regime or strength training program. You may even want to ask for an exercise prescription depending on your situation or condition.
In summary, balance exercises after knee replacement should focus on quads, calves, thighs, and hips. When you incorporate these balance exercises into your post-knee replacement rehabilitation routine, you will quickly regain strength and agility. Good luck! I hope that you are feeling better soon. As always, feel free to reach out to Guidance Physical Therapy if you have any questions about these exercises or anything else related to balance issues after a surgery like a hip or a knee replacement.
As any athlete knows, sports injuries are frustrating and unwanted side effects of the athletic lifestyle. You can prevent some physiological risks through training, conditioning, and undergoing physical therapy with a professional physiotherapist. Additionally, knowing the risks associated with specific physiological conditions could go a long way towards helping you stay safe on the field or in court. Here are some physiological risk factors that may increase your chances of suffering from an injury during sporting events.
According to one study published in The Journal of Athletic Training, muscle imbalances make up 80 percent of all non-contact ACL injuries in female athletes. For example, if your quadriceps, thigh muscles, are more robust than your hamstrings (your leg muscles on the backside), you could be more prone to ACL injury. These imbalances also play a role in many other physical injuries during sports, including patellar tendonitis, runner's knee, and plantar fasciitis.
An imbalance can cause abnormal rotation of your legs, which may irritate or pull on tendons attached to sensitive areas like your knees or ankles. An easy way to tell if you have a muscle imbalance is by checking if there is any space between your thighs when they touch while they are together; if there is no space or only small amounts, then it means that both sides are working equally hard – making them balanced.
To correct the muscle imbalance, try doing hamstring curls to strengthen the muscles on your backside and stretching your quads twice per week for about five minutes each time. Make sure you hold each stretch for about 30 seconds instead of releasing it immediately to prevent overstretching. You should see results within two weeks! Professionals in physical therapy like the Guidance Physical Therapy experts will help you recover from the muscle imbalance with ease.
Research has found that many athletes have low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to skeletal muscle weakness, increasing your risk of sports injury. Ensure you're getting enough vitamin D by consuming foods with vitamin D and spending time in direct sunlight every day for about 15 minutes. You should also talk to your doctor about taking a vitamin D supplement during the winter months or if you spend most of your day indoors.
In addition to avoiding chronic injuries from bone and muscle weaknesses, raising your vitamin D level will help prevent acute injuries like fractures or sprains. If you suffer from a sports-related fracture or sprain, get treatment immediately. Vitamin D is unlikely to reverse severe damage on its own but could reduce secondary complications related to reduced mobility after an injury occurs, like blood clots, leading to faster recovery time.
When you don't stretch properly before, during, and after your workout routine, your muscles stay in a limited range of motion. Your muscles' narrow range of motion makes them more susceptible to injury; it can also lead to long-term issues. Always incorporate a full range of motion into your workouts. That means starting gently and slowly when you warm up, then raising or increasing your pace or intensity as time goes on. You should also make sure that each muscle group is worked from every angle possible to maximize flexibility.
The important thing is not how many exercises or sets you do in each workout session but how complete each exercise set feels. That sensation of working an activity through its entire available range of motion will significantly reduce any chance of injury later on down the road.
When your legs are different lengths, your hip muscles must contract and expand differently to keep you balanced, which can wear them down over time. While there is no evidence that leg length discrepancy directly causes injuries in runners, it may contribute to injury risk. According to some studies, distance runners with high leg-length differences had more knee pain than those with low leg-length discrepancies.
A professional physical therapist should evaluate your running form before commiting to any drastic changes. However, if an orthotic device or shoe insert is appropriate for you, correcting a leg length difference might be just what you need to prevent future problems in the running sport.
One of the most significant physiological risk factors for sports injuries is body fat percentage. A high rate of body fat can increase joint and muscle stress, which means a greater likelihood of injury during play. Strength training can help improve your body's muscle-to-fat ratio, and with more muscle in place to support you, you'll be less likely to injure yourself on game day.
It's also a good idea to exercise regularly before and after games. Extra blood flow pre-game will keep muscles ready for action, while post-game activities such as icing or massage will help prevent aches and pains.
If you experience any of these risk factors, it's best to back off and focus on recovery. Allowing your body time to heal will help ensure you aren't in pain while playing. And remember, if something feels wrong — see a professional in physical therapy like the Guidance Physical Therapy experts to help you improve your strength and flexibility and reduce the risk of sports-related injuries. Best of luck with your recovery and injury prevention efforts! You are now much more educated on physiological risk factors for injuries in sports. Take care of yourself out there!
After ACL surgery, relearning to move and bend and walk can be frustrating, frustrating to the point that you may want to give up. But don't! With simple exercises, you can take charge of your recovery and build the foundation for a new life of health, fitness, and movement, and get back to normal as quickly as possible.
Calf stretching is one of the five simple exercises you need to recover after ACL surgery.
This exercise will help stretch your gastrocnemius muscle and improve the range of motion in your knee joint. Calf stretch exercises will help you improve your blood flow, gain movement back and rebuild the ligaments in the knee. Stretching is hard work, don't see it as something you want to avoid. Stretching is not just critical for recovery after ACL surgery, but it will be good to maintain the flexibility in your knee.
Tons of knee extension exercises can help you after ACL surgery. One way of performing knee extension exercises is in a seating position;
The knee extension exercises will help you stimulate your quadriceps and relax your knee after ACL surgery
Leg slides are an elementary yet effective exercise for ACL recovery. Heel Raises are knee rehabilitation exercises that help you recover more quickly. These rehab exercises focus on building up your calf and thigh muscles.
Stretch and do leg slides daily; let them work your hip flexors, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Leg slides also help rehabilitate and strengthen soft tissue surrounding your knee joint. Later as your leg gets more robust, you can grab your leg with both hands to help you do leg slides.
Partial squats are a simple, non-weight-bearing exercise that provides an excellent means for improving knee extension.
Partial squats exercises will help you develop muscular control and attain stability and strength more quickly after ACL surgery.
After an ACL surgery, you want to get back to your daily routine and get back on the field, court, or course on your terms; you need a plan. However, you know you are ready to work out when your doctor permits you. Guidance Physical Therapists have developed a dynamic set of safe and effective exercises for your optimal recovery after an ACL surgery.
Is There A Relationship Between Nutrition and Physical Therapy? Let Us Dig In...
The answer is yes. There exists a substantial relationship between nutrition and physical therapy. Nutrition and physical therapy go hand in hand to help a person or patient get better faster. Nourishment comes in when the food you eat plays a significant role in your body and how it will react to what the physical therapist does to enhance a faster healing process. Deficits in what you eat can negatively impact your health and lead to conditions that compromise your ability to live the physically active lifestyle you need.
The role of proteins in overall recovery is an essential aspect of the physical therapy process. The proteins act like building blocks for repairing and maintaining the delicate muscles and tissues that make up your body. These building blocks of the body consist of two classes: the complete and the incomplete.
The complete protein comes from animal sources with eight essential amino acids vital for growth, repair, development, and other bodily functions. The incomplete proteins come from plant sources that lack a few essential amino acids. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the type and quality of the protein you take and other supplements that help with recovery after physical therapy.
Vitamins and minerals are powerful nutrients that can help you reduce body inflammation and thus help achieve a better physical therapy treatment outcome. The relationship between nutrition and physical therapy can be an essential factor in slowing or stopping the body's inflammatory response that develops during a treatment or rehabilitation process.
Vitamins A, C, D, and B vitamins help reduce free radicals in your body, which could inhibit the healing process during and after physical therapy. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial in lowering muscular inflammation, thus speeding up your recovery process. Magnesium is an essential mineral in energy production and in inhibiting inflammation.
What is important is that if you take adequate amounts of these and other vitamins and minerals rather than just enough, it could significantly prevent the reoccurrence of these conditions and diseases in the future. Additionally, minerals and vitamins help boost your immune system, which is essential for physical therapy to be effective. You cannot overemphasize the role of vitamins and minerals in physical therapy!
The general population often has a marginal intake of nutrients because they eat high-energy-dense foods that lack nutrients while thinking they are eating healthy. EDNP foods will never meet your required nutrient density no matter how much food you consume!
Such a diet will leave your body prone to diseases and poor recovery in case of an illness. Hence, for physical therapy treatment to be effective, your body needs to have enough of the necessary nutrients to help the body take up the role of regenerating the body tissues vital for recovery from any disease.
EDNP foods though high in calories have resulted in widespread nutrient deficiencies, especially for minerals like calcium and magnesium, vitamins like vitamin C, folate, and thiamin, which may help explain the role of EDNP in chronic disease. Why not take food rich in nutrients and get your body a natural defense? However, don't forget to meet your daily intake requirements of clean drinking water!
Nutrition is a well-known factor in addressing health issues. However, studies show that nutrition affects physical therapy as well. Physical therapy has helped children and adults recover successfully from sports injuries in conjunction with a healthy diet.
Thus, a proper nutrient intake is beneficial for keeping physical therapy treatment effects optimal and reducing pain. It's, however, crucial to note that there is a strong relationship between inflammation, pain, and metabolism. Persistent inflammation can increase pain levels, which you can suppress with appropriate nutrition.
Hence, taking anti-inflammatory foods may help prevent and treat conditions that bring about chronic pain. Also, note that taking excess sodium may help retain fluids in joints, thus causing joint inflammation. Only take enough amounts of sodium.
Most health professionals are finding that, more often than not, simple changes in the diet lead to the most significant number of successes. Be sure to heed the nutritionist's recommendations for making any necessary changes in your current diet. Remember, good nutrition is one of the foundational pillars underpinning an effective physical therapy program. You will realize how your body starts bearing fruits by paying attention to the basics: quality food and a healthy lifestyle. In turn, you will be able to concentrate on the healing process. It all starts with you taking charge of your health!